Relax. chop.
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About us

Our mission is to RISE:

Refresh our viewers with an engaging blend of culinary experiences and informative content, creating moments of relaxation and rejuvenation.

Inspire meaningful dialogue that sparks curiosity and fosters personal growth.

Support open dialogue, understanding, and empathy, creating a safe space where diverse voices are heard and respected.

Empower our community with knowledge, ideas, and inspiration, enabling positive change and a sense of belonging.

Our shared love of food acts as the catalyst that brings us together, providing the perfect backdrop for relaxed and engaging discussions. Through the art of conversation and the joy of cooking, we strive to enhance lives, one episode at a time.

“Inspiring Stories, Empowering Lives”
We are storytellers,

culinary enthusiasts, and champions of meaningful dialogue. We believe in the power of talk to inspire, support, and empower. Our show is a testament to our commitment to creating a welcoming atmosphere where we discuss a wide range of topics while savoring the joys of food. Join us in our journey as we RISE to elevate the way we connect, learn, and enjoy the art of conversation and cooking, one episode at a time.

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Meet Our HOST

DeeDee Asuamah, CEO of "Relax, Chop, Enjoy," blends her lifelong culinary passion with her expertise in medical strategy and business. Redirected from a chef's path to a corporate career by family advice, she now returns to her first love: cooking. Through her show, DeeDee merges delightful food experiences with enriching conversations, fostering a community bonded over shared meals and stories.

Becca Inyang
Executive Producer
Ikechukwu Ezeukwu
Marketing Strategist
Emeka Mbaebie
Director of Visuals
Gladson Ishaya
Social Media Strategist
Ayam Samuel
Lead Technologist
Favour Effiong
Content Writer
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